Tuesday, 26 November 2019

RHEL 8 web console and active cockpit service

RHEL 8 web console and active cockpit service

In Rhel 8, there is a build-in web console service so we don't need to use any remote softwares.
We need only activate cockpit services for web console access.
Require package for rehel8 web console access:
  • cockpit
(1) yum install -y cockpit
(2) After that add cockpit service in firewalld with the help of this command.

firewall-cmd --add-service=cockpit
firewall-cmd --add-service=cockpit --permanent
firewall-cmd --list-all

(3) Enable cockpit services.
 systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket

(4) Check the cockpit port is listen or not.
ss -tulpn | grep :9090

(5) To access Rhel8 web console, you must type the link (or) https://FQDN:portnumber

Phone Myint Myat

How to create Local Repo on RHEL 8

How to create local repo on rhel 8 

Types of local repo in rehel8
  • AppStream 
  • BaseOS 
AppStream : AppStream Repository will have all remaining packages like vim, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Maven, Bind, LibreOffice and all other application and OS related dependencies under /mnt/AppStream/Packages.
BaseOS : BaseOS Repository will contain packages like OS installation packages (Core Packages), Administrative tools packages and their dependencies. You can navigate to location /mnt/BaseOS/Packages to have a look.

 There is a little bit differ from rhel 6 and rhel7.

Firstly, you have to mount your rhel 8 iso into mnt.

 After that add repo configuration file in /etc/yum.repo.d/local.repo.

Edit in local.repo.

After that yum clean all and yum repolist all to update your repository database.

Phone Myint Myat Zaw
27.11.2019 1:11PM